Blog Posts
- Adjusters in Florida accused of fraudulent estimates
- Appealing a Florida insurance denial
- Are you prepared for a hurricane?
- Assessing the potential financial impact of a divorce
- Be aware of these signs of insurance bad faith
- Can I sue my homeowners’ insurance over storm damage?
- Can mediation be effective for a disputed insurance claim?
- Can you get out of a prenuptial agreement after it’s signed?
- Claim denial and suing your insurance company
- Custody modification and the benefits of parallel parenting
- Did my insurance company give an accurate assessment of my claim?
- Divorcing with children in Florida
- Do homeowner’s insurance policies cover mold damage?
- Do I still have equal parental rights as a same-sex parent?
- Does homeowners insurance cover acts of vandalism?
- Does your business need a vandalism policy?
- Florida insurers have a duty to act in good faith
- Florida Tort Reform Act will affect property owners
- Florida's insurance crisis is getting worse
- Floridians should be aware of changes to state insurance laws
- Forecasters are predicting an active hurricane season
- How do I establish paternity in Florida?
- How do I get rights or establish paternity in Florida?
- How fast do insurance companies need to process claims?
- Is wildfire damage covered by insurance?
- Key tips for navigating your divorce from a lying spouse
- Know some of the basics before deciding on divorce
- Options when your homeowners insurance company acts in bad faith
- Property owners should check their hurricane insurance coverage
- Proposed law will protect Floridians from insurance companies
- Reasons to mediate your divorce
- Requesting a protective order in Florida
- Requesting an order of protection
- Resolving family law issues
- Should you use non-compete agreements in your business?
- Some ways to keep your home insurance
- The legal status of noncompete agreements in Florida
- Tips for filing a fire damage claim
- Tips for protecting your children during divorce
- Two essential insurance policies for businesses in Florida
- Understanding Florida's Statute of Limitations in Civil Litigation
- Wait, my insurance company can deny my claim?
- What are some tips for prepping for a hurricane?
- What can statistics tell us about divorce in Florida?
- What if the insurer refuses to abide by a contractor assessment?
- What should I know about filing a property insurance lawsuit?
- Why are burst water pipe insurance claims denied?
- Why was my property damage claim denied?
- Will my homeowner’s insurance pay for vandalism damage?
- Will my insurer cover vandalism damages?
- Would my insurance carrier pay for damage from plumbing?